Products / Kids & Family / Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil

5. months
Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil

  • For baby food and for the whole family
  • For adding to vegetable and fruit meals and as an additive for baby jars. As an important component of a balanced baby diet from the complementary food age onwards
  • For an optimum supply of monounsaturated fatty acids and energy
  • First grade – cold-pressed

Product Details | Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil

The olives for Holle extra virgin olive oil come from biodynamic cultivation in Spain. The first grade olive oil is cold-pressed using a mechanical process and only the first pressing is used for our olive oil. When used in baby food, it contributes to the development of your baby’s variety of flavours.
The delicious olive oil can be used in the family kitchen for frying, cooking and baking.

100% extra virgin olive oil*

*Demeter (From biodynamic farming)
Recycle packaging properly
  • Dispose of bottle without the lid in a bottle bank
  • Dispose of lid in aluminium recycling
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